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Is Hashimoto’s Disease a basis for Social Security Disability Benefits?

At Sharon Christie Law, a Baltimore Social Security Disability Law Firm, we are often asked to talk about the topic,Is Hashimoto’s Disease a basis for Social Security Disability Benefits? In this video, Sharon Christie examines this topic is Hashimoto’s Disease a basis for Social Security Disability Benefitss, and what the process of trying to claim social security benefits with a hashimoto’s disease will be like. 

Official Transcript: Is Hashimoto’s Disease a basis for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Hi I’m sharon christie your nurse attorney for social security disability benefits. We get a lot of calls from people and it’s primarily women who suffer from hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It’s a disease of the of the thyroid and autoimmune disease of the thyroid and they’re wondering is this a good basis for a disability case? Well it’s going to depend on your symptoms and how well you respond to treatment. One of the most common symptoms that people complain about is fatigue and it can be severe fatigue, but in most cases the condition is going to be helped significantly by medications.
So when i talk to people many times they’ll ask say to me well if i don’t take my medicine i’m in terrible shape. I completely understand that but
you need to understand that social security evaluates the case assuming that you are taking the treatment, that you are taking the medications, and then how severely limited are you with treatment. That’s true for any condition not just hashimoto’s disease. So that’s what we always look at are you getting treated, are you taking the treatment, are you taking your medications? What are your symptoms when you take your medications? Then of course we always look at side effects. Do you have any side effects from the treatment? Is that severe enough to keep you from working?
In some cases hashimoto’s could be a basis
for a disability case. I can tell you in my experience because people usually respond well to the treatment it’s typically not been a basis for a disability case but each case is different.
So if you think that you have severe symptoms
that are not relieved by treatment then you do want to talk to a an experienced disability lawyer to get a good evaluation of your case and see if you know you might have a case for a social security disability. Always start with a good evaluation from an experienced disability lawyer.