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Answering the Question: How much money will I receive from Social Security Disability Benefits

It is a question we receive a lot here at Sharon Christie Law: How much money will I receive from Social Security Disability Benefits? And it is a great question! So here is exactly how to find the answer to; how much money will I receive from Social Security Disability Benefits.

There was a time when Social Security used to mail out statements to everyone telling them how much money they would receive when they retired. On that statement there was also information about how much you would receive if you became disabled. Social Security does not mail those statements out anymore, but you can still get access to it. Something that is very easy to do. You go to the Social Security Disability website which is, and click on the button that says My Social Security.

Follow the instructions to set up your own personal account and once you set up that account you can go right to your Social Security Statement. Once viewing the statement it will tell you right there how much money you would receive if Social Security finds you disabled. So if you are asking yourself; how much money will I receive from Social Security Disability Benefits, don’t be afriad. You can find that information today by visiting the website and get the answers to your questions!

About Sharon Christie Law

Sharon Christie is the owner and founder of Sharon Christie Law, and is an attorney and former nurse. Her team of professionals and paraprofessionals help people win Social Security Disability Benefits! Our Social Security Disability Law Firm serves clients in Maryland, Southern Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC.