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Is there a time limit on Social Security Benefits Reconsideration Phase?

Is there a time limit on Social Security Benefits Reconsideration Phase?

At Sharon Christie Law, a Baltimore Social Security Disability Law Firm, we are often asked the question, Is there a time limit on Social Security Benefits Reconsideration Phase? In this video, Sharon Christie examines this question and provides you with the answer.

Official Transcript: Is there a time limit on Social Security Benefits Reconsideration Phase?

Hi I’m Sharon Christie your nurse attorney for Social Security disability benefits. If you’ve been denied after you filed your application and it’s your first denial you need to file an appeal. It’s called a request for reconsideration. . 

Now always remember that you have a deadline you must file any appeal within 60 days of the date you receive the denial letter. That’s a hard and fast rule. There can be some exceptions but it’s up to Social Security to grant you an exception. You never want to miss that deadline but I’m often asked well what about Social Security what’s their deadline for deciding my appeal? Say the request for reconsideration level. Well, the answer is Social Security does not have a specific deadline. I can tell you that in general at the reconsideration stage your case is going to go through the same process it did at the initial stage.

The first stage except with a whole new group of people at Social Security. So, your case will get assigned to a different examiner at disability determination services and your case will be reviewed by different medical people who are doctors who work for Social Security so it will be different people reviewing your case and they will review any new information that comes in to the case. At the reconsideration stage in my experience, it typically takes about six months from the time you file the reconsideration to get an answer. Can it be shorter? Yes, it can be and I’ve certainly had that experience. Can it be longer? Yes, but it’s important that you’re keeping on top of your case to find out why it’s taking longer.  

So, for example we’ve had situations where our Social Security decided you know we’ve looked at this case but we want this person to be seen by another doctor and so they want to set up a consultative examination or social security could have questions about your work history. So, they decide you know what we need to get more information before we can continue to process this case. So, there’s any number of things along those lines where Social Security is trying to get additional information that could delay the process. Why do I tell you it’s very important that you or for us you know in my office your paralegal is responsible for staying on top of your case? Just to make sure it’s moving and didn’t fall through the cracks. We’ve had cases take eight nine months sometimes longer at the reconsideration level because there’s been a lot of other activity going on in the case trying to get more information.  

In general, it should take about six months if after you filed a request for reconsideration. If 60 days goes by and you haven’t heard anything at all from anybody at Social Security get on the phone and make a phone call. Find out what’s happening with your case because within the first 60 days you should certainly should hear at least to your new examiner’s. The best thing that you can do during this process is be proactive or even better than that hire an experienced disability lawyer to handle all of this for you.   

The Path to Social Security Disability Benefits with Sharon Christie Law

Step 1: Understanding Social Security’s Definition of Disabled

The definition of disabled, according to Social Security, is that you have severe limitations from your health problems that keep you from doing any kind of work for at least 12 consecutive months. This is the first thing we look at when evaluating your case. Your diagnosis is just the starting point. To get disability benefits for you, we must prove that your disabling condition causes severe limitations in your day to day activities.

Step 2: Medical Records in Your Disability Case

You must have medical evidence to prove your disability case. The most important evidence is your medical records that show your diagnosis, your symptoms, and your response to treatment.

Step 3: Don’t go it alone: How Sharon Christie Law Can Help You

At Sharon Christie Law, a Social Security Disability Law Firm, we recognize that no one ever plans to get so sick that they have to stop working. When you need to apply for Social Security Disability Benefits we recognize that you will be anxious about the process and whether you can qualify for disability benefits. Our goal at Sharon Christie Law is to help you win your case and give you the financial stability you need! Why work with us?

We do it all for you: At Sharon Christie Law we handle all aspects of the case for you, from preparing and filing your application through the hearing with a judge. We are with you every step of the way.  When working with us, you focus on feeling better, and we focus on winning your case.

We return your phone calls: We understand that you have many questions regarding Social Security Disability Benefits. We never want you to wonder what is happening with your case. We are here to answer your questions. All phone calls and emails are returned within 24 hours. That is our promise to you.

We believe in client education: The Social Security Disability process is confusing. We think it is important that you understand each step in the process. So, we created a section on our website that is accessible only to clients. This client’s only section tells you everything you need to know about the disability process.